Page 41 - Profmark_2024_Directors Guide
P. 41

Additional Sections in Act relating to Enhanced Accountability
       and Transparency Requirements
       Section 159: Protection of Whistle-Blowers
       A public company or SOC Ltd company must directly or indirectly –
         ■  Establish and maintain a system to receive confidential disclosures of any person as
         contemplated in Section 159 and act on them, and
         ■  Routinely publicise the availability of that system to directors, secretaries, other
         officers, employees, registered trade unions of the company, a supplier of goods or
         services to a company or an employee of such a supplier
         ■  Any provision of a company’s MOI or an agreement is void to the extent it purports to
         limit or negate Section 159.
       Regulation 43: Appointment of a Social and Ethics Committee
       This is compulsory for those companies prescribed by the Regulation 43 to have a Social
       and Ethics Committee [listed public company or SOC Ltd or any other company that has
       in any two of the previous five years achieved a Public Interest Score above 500 points],
         ■  It is a subsidiary of another company that has a social and ethics committee which
         will perform the functions required by the regulation on behalf of that subsidiary
         company, or
         ■  Has been exempted by the Tribunal on application. (Revocable exemptions for five
         years at a time are allowed on grounds of redundancy or no basis for public interest
         considering the company’s activities or because the company already has a formal
         mechanism within its structures that substantially performs the same functions).
       Regulation 43 sets out the composition, election of committee members and their
       functions in detail.
       The committee must comprise not less than three directors or prescribed officers of the
       company, at least one of whom must be a director who is not involved in the day-to-day
       management of the company’s business, and must not have been so involved within the
       previous three financial years.
       A company required to have a Social and Ethics Committee is required to elect members
       to that Committee at each AGM of the company.
       The board must appoint an advisory panel to the committee who represent the
       community and public interest having regard to the location and nature of the company’s
       activities. The amended Section 61 of the Amendment Act requires, inter alia, the
       presentation of a Social & Ethics Committee Report to shareholders at the AGM (where

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