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out in Section 162(2). A company, a shareholder, a director, company secretary,
         a prescribed officer of a company, or a registered trade union (that represents
         employees of a company), may apply to a court for an order declaring a person
         delinquent or under probation if that person is a director of the company, or has
         been a director of the company within the previous 5 years (this was 2 years before
         the amendment).
         ■  For the courts to increase the time bar in relation to claims for damages applicable
         to directors for breaching their fiduciary duties and duties of care, skill and diligence
         as well as certain statutory duties in terms of Section 77. The Act provides that
         proceedings to recover loss, damages or costs in these circumstances are to be
         instituted within 3 years after the act or omission that gave rise to the liability, and
         now the Court may extend this time frame, on good cause shown.

        KING IV ™

       Since 1994, there have been several versions of the King Report. Each version has
       been built on the underlying principles of the previous report, and recognises that good
       corporate governance and ethical leadership are essential in society today, irrespective
       of the size or nature of the entity. King IV™ takes the form of a report which includes
       the Code, and separate sector supplements for SME’s, NPO’s, State-Owned Entities,
       Municipalities and Retirement Funds. It is recommended that all organisations and
       governing bodies should follow the principles and practices laid down in this document.
       Unlike the previous King reports, which were rules-based and followed a ‘tick-box’
       approach, King IV™ is principles- and outcomes-based. King IV™ encourages
       organisations to have a more ‘hands-on’ approach to principles, so that practices can
       be clearly linked to outcomes in an “apply and explain” approach. This gives governing
       bodies more flexibility when implementing the recommended practices, but requires
       them to be transparent when disclosing how they achieved their goals. King IV™ sets
       out 17 principles, some of which have been legislated (and if a conflict occurs, the law
       prevails). It also includes a large number of recommended practices, to help governing
       bodies and organisations achieve ‘good corporate citizen’ status and governance
       outcomes. It is voluntary (unless prescribed by law or by a Stock Exchange listings
       requirement). The Companies Act has many features which result in an alignment with
       international best practices and the governance principles of the King Code and Reports.

       The King IV Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa 2016, Institute of Directors S.A.
       For more information, see”
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