Page 10 - Profmark_2024_Directors Guide
P. 10
11. Govern risk in line with strategic objectives
12. Govern information and technology in line with strategic objectives
13. Comply with applicable laws and adopted, non-binding rules, codes and standards
14. Remunerate fairly, responsibly and transparently
15. Use assurance services and functions to enable an effective control environment
which supports the integrity of information
16. Adopt a stakeholder-inclusive approach
17. Practise responsible investment which promotes good governance and the creation
of value (applies to institutional investor organisations).
POPIA gives effect to the Constitutional right to privacy in South Africa, and applies to most
organisations in South Africa – both public and private, including a private company, non-
profit company, close corporation, or personal liability company. Principle 6 of King IV™
states that the board of directors is the “custodian of corporate governance”, and Principle
13 requires the board to comply with applicable laws, such as POPIA. In effect,the board is
therefore required to identify the elements and principles of governance that are required
to prepare for, and maintain, the appropriate level of compliance with POPIA. In so doing,
the board would need to also balance POPIA against the provisions of the Promotion of
Access to Information Act (no.2 of 2000) or ‘PAIA’, which provides for the right to access
to information and the free flow of information within South Africa. The board needs to
consider data protection, legal compliance, information management, governance, risks
and possible mitigation strategy models relating to personal information, as well as the
positioning of the Information Officer to succeed.
Strategy Policy Oversight Accountability
as Recommended
by King IV ™
Ethical Good Effective
Culture Performance Control Legitimacy
The King IV Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa 2016, Institute of Directors S.A.
For more information, see”