Page 48 - Profmark Africa Overview 2024
P. 48

Ease of Doing Business Rankings

      Sub-Saharan Africa rankings out of 190 economies surveyed by World Bank:

                      Global Ease             Global Ease
                       of Doing                of Doing
       Economy                  Economy
                      Business                 Business
                      Rank/190                 Rank/190
       Angola           177     Madagascar      161
       Benin            149     Malawi          109
       Botswana         87      Mali            149
       Burkina Faso     152     Mauritius        13
       Burundi          166     Mozambique      138
       Cameroon         167     Namibia         104
       Chad             182     Niger           132
       Comoros          160     Nigeria         131
       Congo (Dem. Rep.)  183   Rwanda           38
       Congo (Rep.)     180     Senegal         123
       Eswatini         121     Seychelles      100
       Ethiopia         160     Sierra Leone    163
       Gabon            169     South Africa     84
       Gambia           156     Sudan           171
       Ghana            118     Tanzania        141
       Guinea           157     Togo             97
       Kenya            56      Uganda          116
       Lesotho          122     Zambia           85
       Liberia          175     Zimbabwe        140
      Source: (most recent data: 2020)
                              46                                                         47
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